Knit Diva

Me and my obsession has come a long way since last couple of years... I definitely still consider myself a beginner and always looking to improve my obsession. I think it is my "CALGON"... It takes me away from my busy life with a wonderful husband and 8yo twin boys... YIKES!!! I never understood how addicting yarn could be until I started knitting.. I have crochet for some time on and off but I never felt attached to it as I do with knitting...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Virgin Blogger

Well.... I have finally joined in with the rest of the world. I read so many blogs that I thought maybe I should take a stab at this blogging. I enjoy reading about others so much that I thought it couldn't be that HARD....hehe Needless to say, it has taken me a couple of weeks to figure things out....LOL!!! Call me a Blonde I guess...hehe

I guess you all know by the name of the blog that I am a knitter... By NO means am I an expert at knitting.. I have been knitting now for a little over a year. It feels so natural that I feel like I have been doing it my WHOLE life...

I have dabbled in a lot of projects but some that I want to do are overwhelming to me... My goal is to knit a sweater and socks...

I have many projects that are on needles as I write this. I will share all my WIP's soon!!!

Getting over the fear of typing to the big bad world is a BIG accomplishment... Bare with me on posts and pictures until I get the hang of this...

Ta Ta for Now!!!


  • At 7:26 PM , Blogger Misty said...

    Nice blog... I happened across it... Kudos in your adventure!

  • At 10:46 AM , Blogger Knit Diva said...

    Thanks for taking an interest...hehe I guess I will have to get use to people reading what I post...LOL!!! I will get the hang of it sooner or later...hehe


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