Knit Diva

Me and my obsession has come a long way since last couple of years... I definitely still consider myself a beginner and always looking to improve my obsession. I think it is my "CALGON"... It takes me away from my busy life with a wonderful husband and 8yo twin boys... YIKES!!! I never understood how addicting yarn could be until I started knitting.. I have crochet for some time on and off but I never felt attached to it as I do with knitting...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I am in a GOOFY Mood today!!!!

It might be the weather!!!! They are saying that we might get some flurries today.... WHAT THE HECK!!!! The last couple of days have been in the 70's and now it is like 37 degrees today.... PLEASE Mother Nature, MAKE UP YOUR DARN MIND!!!!!

I had to work today and I am totally bored cuz no one wants to get out today in this COLD weather....hehe!!! Hubby and boys took a road trip to Kansas today and I was stuck holding down the fort... YEEEHAAAA!!!!!

Anyway I took some pictures while I had NOTHING TO DO!!!!! I am knitting up another pair of socks with some OPAL yarn... The pattern is DK Gentlemen... I just love this pattern!!!! I love how the Opal is looking with this pattern...hehe can't wait to wear these puppies!!!!

I also took some recent pictures of me since the picture on my profile is like 2 years old... GAWD, I look so young in that picture!!!! SHHHHHH!!!! MY 30th birthday is coming up very soon... I am not adjusting very well to thinking that my 20's are at an end.... WHERE the Heck does time go when you blink your eyes... My boys turned 7 this year and I am turning.... WELL you know... I am not ready to admit that I am going to be that number... I hope that it will be a great decade for me......

Anyway, I am going to update my profile with my mug... My hair is getting so LOOOONNNGGG!!!! My Auntie wants it to grow out to my behind.... My hubby and my aunt have schemed up this plan together... Hubby said that he has divorce papers waiting for me if I cut my hair... What the heck is that about....ROFL!!! My aunt refuses to take the scissors to it unless it is for a trim... Which is maybe 1/2 inch to an inch every 12 weeks... Can I hold out???? I don't know!!! It is hard waking up to having sweaty arm pits because your hair is nessled under your arms looking OHHHH SO LOVELY!!!! I scare away the Gremlins from the foot of the bed... I scare myself waking up and seeing that sight.... ROFL!!!! It is to the point now that my hair is put up on top of my head looking OHHH SO SEXY!!!! hehe Oh Well!!! I guess I can live...

(Just a tip: If you want your hair to grow fast or your nails..... TAKE BIOTIN!!!!) It is a miracle vitamin that will make your hair grow and keep it healthy and strong. It also does the same for your nails..

My son has lost his 2nd front tooth!!!! Is he adorable or what!!! I have been teasing him the past couple of days and making him say.... "SLIPPERY SLOPE".... ROFL!!! I am soooo MEAN!!!!

Do you see a resemblance of a facial body part???? The poor kid got his MOTHER's NOSE!!!! Poor baby!!! We can drown in the rain together I guess!!!! ROFL!!!

Everyone, stay WARM!!!! And if you are having 70-80 degree weather today... I hate you!!!!! hehe



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